"Alignment between what you think and what you say, what you feel and what you do, between what you see and notice and your response, is not always accurate. Many times it's even completely broken. Whatever are the reasons for this, it seems like we want everything to be fine with us but without us, without our commitment and integrity.
For mind and heart, listening and speech, thought and emotion, action and reaction can be either opposites or allies, it's also a matter of awareness and choice. Who do we want to please and what for? Are we really choiceless? Divergence is just a portrait about this fine line that divides or unites our beings when relating to others."
This is a pretty interesting concept that the Divergence video is dealing with. Certainly something I relate to a lot. I think I'm spectacularly bad at saying what I mean,or maybe I'm too good at it and even thinking what I mean sometimes is a struggle, and especially when it comes to writing notes, which can possibly turn out offensive when I really mean them to be funny and endearing! Whatever which way, people often seem to react pretty badly towards me when I only really have the best of intentions.
I have just sold a piece of rubbish on the floor - a compositional sketch with a flipflop print on it - I must have stood on it. I need to remember to keep the rubbish that is my working drawings as they could make me a good living - note to self.