Incredible! Just as I was doggedly staggering in off the New York City Streets last night thinking I was going to post something about my life and human expectations being too high, my romanticism always setting me up for disappointment, the fact that nobody understands me etc etc etc. and that I would have to set an end of comptition date for entries as nobody had responded, I entered the building to discover a couple of late, but nonetheless incredibly appreciated entries to the unmissable McArthur blog contest which I have to say have restored my faith in all things human.
And they are therefore the winners, and what's more where have they come from these mysterious entries I ask you readers? Not the UK, evidently where the population is too jaded it would seem to indulge me in my frivolity. Mainland Europe! A German I can understand, but two Spaniards really does surprise me. The days are gone when I refer to Spaniards as being late and useless.
The winning suggestions for Breaking America are: (Forgive the English, these guys are winners)
Breaking your Highhills
Breaking your own prejudices (prejuicios)
Breaquing Childhood Traumas
Tantas Gracias chicas, no sabeis cuanto me hais ayudado hoy con vuestras energias..
Dankescheune Ms. Schlaeger, my german is shit but I appreciate your efforts...
Your fantastic prizes will be in the post swiftly..XXXXX
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