Monday, July 13, 2009

Lightening Strikes Thrice!!!!

DRUM ROLL..........

Lightning has struck again - I believe I should have more patience!! Three more entries into the Unmissable McArthur Blog Contest! These pearls of wisdom have come in again all the way from Deutschland to help me Break America..

Breaking boundaries to World Party

Breaking A Man Into A Million Pieces -(from my dear confused feminist friend Martina - but which man Martina? - you have to be a bit more specific I think. Surely it has to be a powerful american in the arts - any old man is simply too easy and not fruitful enough..)

And the first American entry

BreakDance!!!! - one of my favourites I believe. Well done Mr. Lubbock!

Which leads me to my thoughts of yesterday. Breakdancing in my storefront studio space could well increase interest in McArthurs. I had also toyed with the idea of racier/more ridiculous outfits to increase interest, thereby aiding in the BA mission. Many thanks and as a goodwill gesture, these entries will also be receiving prizes forthwith, despite the fact they are somewhat late.

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